Wednesday 16 March 2011

Front Page Development

My first page of my newspaper consists of a four column layout with a plug, adverts, the date and how much the newspaper costs, these are all vital on a newspaper aswell as the main story. My main story features a girlband that have recently been noticed after performing on a reality show auditions. I chose to include this story so that young people are recognised for positive things that they are able to achieve as youths are usually in the news for gang culture or something downgrading. I feel as if a success story would inspire more youths to relate to this. The bottom of my page shows an advert that I designed myself on Photoshop, this benefits me and my newspaper as my IT skills are shown more and the advertisement of new drivers is a common thing found in young peoples magazines and newspapers. Feedback on this front page has been that the 'plug' area looks amateur and need work. My audience also said that the lead story headline is too complicated and doesn't fill the space properly. My teacher has also advised me to get a new photograph for the main story as i'll lose marks for not taking an image for the story. I thought the photograph I already had would be OK but apparently not. I think i'll still change the bottom advert too - looks too childish.

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