Thursday 28 April 2011

Final Lead Story PHOTO

I arranged for a group of girls from school to meet me in the local park to get this photo for my front page. I took a few using different framing techniques and this is the one i've chosen to use. The lighting is good and everyone looks natural so it's the kind of picture that fit with the 'local girls' story and would appeal to my target audience. I now need to place this photo on my front page and then my paper is complete.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

BY Radio Advert

BY FINAL Magazine Recording by oliviaboard

This is the first draft of my radio advert. I used an mp3 convertor online to source the music and recorded the script using Garageband, an external mic and a mixing desk. I didn't realise how loud the music was until I uploaded it. I now need to adjust the levels and make the voice clearer.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Radio Advertising research

It was really hard to find examples of radio adverts for newspapers but I did find one for the Observer newspaper on the RAB Hall of Fame 2005 web page. The link to the advert is below:

All the adverts I listened to on this sites are very creative in how they use dialogue and sound to engage the audience. I think I will still use music and a script for my advert because to make something like these adverts would take more time than I have left.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Newspaper advertising

I was researching radio adverts for newspapers and came across this great advert from the Sun. It's a parody of the iPhone advert and has the message that traditional is best. It probably picks on the iPhone for trying to be too clever with it's advertising. This would make the Sun's audience laugh.


Monday 11 April 2011

Final Poster (almost)

This is my new poster. I've added in the images and came up with the idea of having the contents repeat in different colours in the background. i tried to use an online programme called Wordle to do this for me first but I didn't like the results so did it myself and lowered the opacity so it didn't clash with the main text. Probably need to add something else to the right side - maybe my main story photo?

Newspaper (almost) final draft

This is what my paper looks like at the end of a lot of effort today. I've edited the story on the second page, I've made a new weather forecast in PS, re-worked the asos advert, moved the nails advert and I've added a 'contact us' area which is conventional on a second page of a local paper. I decided to change the title design too after working on my poster. When I designed the poster I thought it would look good to have the images of Louisa and George on there too. I've changed the date style too and added a website. I have the photo for the main image now but have run out of time today to add it in. A job for tomorrow.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Second Page update

I changed the Anorexia story on my second page, focusing on a young male model, rather than a female. This way I show the female story on the front and the male page on page 2. now the paper represents both genders as i had set out to do in my brief. the story still doesn't fit properly so I still have some editing to do.

First Page update

I've had some more time to make the changes from my audience feedback and even though I'm still not finished - i think this version is much better. Changing the plug area has really worked to add colour and interest and changing the advert has had positive feedback from my friends who are the target audience. I've also moved the lead story around and changed the headline, I have used alliteration to make it more attention grabbing and i took a long time to get the placement of the text just right to fit. now I need to to find time to develop the title a bit more and work on page two.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Audience Feedback

printed out my newspaper, both pages and it was left out in the media room for all year groups and teachers to comment on. This would give me a good range of repsonses as it would my target audience and professionals.
This is my newspaper and the comments that were left on it. The main things I need to do now are:
1. Completely remove the advert as it was seen 'not suitable for the age group for my newspaper'. I will change the advert to horoscopes as this is a popular topic that young people like to read about.

2. The main image was also a major concern for my paper as it wasn't taken specifically for my main story, this therefore led me to lose vital marks. I will take a new photo using a digital SLR camera and I need to think carefully about the mise-en-scene and framing of the shot.

3. The other issue I have with my newspaper is that there are too many gaps. I need to work on making it appear more full and interesting.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Photography for poster

I took a photo of Louisa against the green screen so I was able to edit it in photoshop and apply it to my poster, my idea was that she could lean against the 'Y' on my poster.
I chose Louisa to stand against the 'Y' as the pink letter represents the female gender, this shows that my newspaper is for both genders. Louisa looks relaxed and this send out the right message about my paper. I think the lighting I used works well here too.

This image of George is placed on the 'B' on my poster, he is representing the male part of my newspaper. The colour of the 'B' is blue and is for masculinity. I also used the green screen to take my photograph and used the quick selection tool in the toolbar on photoshop to cut out the background neatly.