Tuesday 15 February 2011

Segmenting my Audience

  • My newspaper is based around the Bexleyheath community and my target audience is the younger generation of people aged from 13 - 20. I will feature stories and adverts for males and females in my newspaper and I aim to represent both in the sample paper.
  • My target audience are likely to be in education, either secondary, college or university. Their parents have probably not gone to university so they will either be working or lower middle class.
  • The modern audience are complex so advertisers need complex means of categorising them. some of the factors regularly considered are now: Values, attitudes, lifestyles. The VALS system was developed by the market research and advertising industry.
  • My target audiences' psychographic category is 'rebels' as these are a group of people that wish to remake the world in their image. They can also be categorised under the group of 'drop-outs' that shun commitments of any kind.
  • I believe this because I think my typical reader will be bored and looking for something new in the area. They won't be happy just hanging around or going shopping, they want to experience new things, music, events and other opportunities.

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